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The Salv/Read Menu

This menu becomes selectable when you are on the Salvage or Read pages. It's also necessary for you to have successfully completed a data read, or that you have completed a salvage attempt.

Save Results

It's likely that you'll want to store the results shown. This option performs that function, storing the values from the right-hand panel for each entry in the list in the left-hand panel.

If you haven't used this option before, a file-requester will appear, allowing you to specify the name and location of the file.

The requester will not appear on subsequent selections of this option. Data will be written directly to the same file, without an intervening requester for confirmation.

Save Results as ...

This option performs the same function as Save Results but always presents a file-requester for specifying the target file.

Print results

This works like Save Results except that results are printed instead of being saved in a file.

Save all MountLists as ...

If partitions have been found or read, then the data which describes the size of the partition, etc can be written as a MountList. A partition which has a MountList entry can be mounted using the Mount command from the CLI.

This option writes a MountList entry for all partitions which have been found. If selected from the Salvage page, then entries will have names beginning with SALV or UNUSED as the original names can no longer be retrieved, having been stored in the partition blocks, not in the partitions themselves. If selected from the Read page, then the entries will be created with their real names.

Mount all Devices

All partitions which have been found are mounted. The names used for mounting will be as described in Save all MountLists as ....

Any errors which occur while mounting a partition will be shown in an output window.

The Mount CLI command must reside in the C directory for this option to work.

Save MountList as ...

This option is used if you only wish to save the MountList for a particular entry, not all of them. Naming will be as described under Save all MountLists as ....

Mount Device

Use this option to mount a particular device, which is a frequent requirement. Naming will be as described under Save all MountLists as ....

Any errors which occur while mounting a partition will be shown in an output window.

The Mount CLI command must reside in the C directory for this option to work.

Write RDSK block ...

This option writes a new RDSK block -- after you confirm the action in the safety requester. The old RDSK block and associated data will be destroyed. It means that you won't be able to get to any of the partitions on the drive! Most of this data can be recovered from the Read page with Find lost blocks selected and clicking on Start.

This option is useful to wipe out the contents of the RDBs, perhaps so that you can rebuild it step-by-step from selected, salvaged partitions.

If you only want to salvage selected partitions, then proceed as follows:

  1. Salvage the required partitions so that they are shown in the left-hand list.
  2. Select the Write RDSK block ... from the Salv/Read menu.
  3. Then, for each of the partitions which you want to salvage:

Save as RDSK and partition blocks ...

This option will save all the read or salvaged data as RDSK and partition blocks. Data is written to the selected drive after you confirm the action in the safety requester which appears. This is similar to what happens in HDToolBox, when Save Changes to Drive is selected.

If you choose this option from the Salvage page, then partitions will be saved as SALV<n> or UNUSED<n> as appropriate, where <n> is a number. You will see an extended safety requester, which gives you a chance to cancel the operation; and the option to save the unused space as partitions. Partition blocks will be written for every regions of unused space if you choose to take that option. You should then immediately use HDToolBox to adjust values on the pseudo-partition.

In theory, having successfully written the RDSK, you can reboot. It is however highly recommended that you adjust certain values using HDToolBox -- as described under section Salvage. This is especially important if this menu option has been chosen from the Salvage page.

Remove partition block from RDSK ...

This option can only be selected if you are on the Read page and a valid partition has been selected in the left panel.

It removes the selected partition from the RDSK after you confirm the action in the safety requester. This means that the data required to mount the partition will be erased.

The partition will not appear in HDToolBox and will not be mounted when the computer is next booted. You'd better know what you're doing!

Add partition block to RDSK ...

This option is available if you select a partition, not already in the RDSK, from the list in the left-hand panel. This partition will then be added to the RDSK, following your confirmation in the safety requester. If you choose this option of the Read page, then the original name will be used; otherwise the name SALV<n> or UNUSED<n> will be used, where <n> is a number.

As all partition blocks in the RDSK should have the same number of sectors per cylinder, a warning will appear if the partition being added has has an incompatible number of sectors per cylinder. It's possible to cancel the operation at this point.

Add all partition blocks to RDSK ...

This option works like Add partition block to RDSK .... However, it automatically adds all partitions which do not already exist in the RDSK.

Like so many other options, partitions found with Salvage will be named SALV<n> or UNUSED<n> where <n> is a number.

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